About KMLA

KMLA Bylaws and Constitution

KMLA Operating Policy



To become the gold standard by which Lacrosse Associations are measured, by offering a safe environment that fosters psychological, social, emotional, and physical development in all members.


Kamloops Minor Lacrosse Association is dedicated to shaping youth athletes into champions on and off the field through both recreational and competitive lacrosse. Our focus is to provide positive experiences for all members, emphasizing supportive coaching and mentoring. We are committed to upholding fair play, sportsmanship, equality, and non-discrimination, fostering qualities like leadership, responsibility, and empathy that extend beyond the sport.

R-E-A-L-M Values

R-            Respect for - 1) Program 2) Coaches 3) Team Mates 4) Self

All members, coaches, and athletes within the Kamloops Minor Lacrosse Association will demonstrate unparalleled levels of respect for the Program, Coaches, Teammates, and themselves. This underlying core value will govern all club activities and in turn offer individuals with lasting growth opportunities through the positive mentorship and required adherence to these standards.

E-            Effort - In Lacrosse and all that one undertakes.

Athletes will learn to focus on and fully adopt the principle that giving 100% is a requirement at each practice, on every shift, and in life. Each athlete is in control of their own levels of effort and will be taught to harness this and become accountable for effort levels as a key measure of success ahead of winning.

A-           Awareness - Look, Listen, and take appropriate action.

To foster development, respect, and effort, athletes must be guided to cultivate strong self-awareness and equipped with the skills to self-assess and respond effectively. This includes evaluating their work ethic, attentiveness, and responses to coaching feedback. For example, an athlete should ask themselves, "Am I fully applying myself? Am I actively listening and implementing my coach's feedback?" Additionally, if a teammate becomes distracted, an athlete should aim to help them refocus. Such observations are integral to building a heightened sense of awareness.

L-            Learning - The value of hard work and dedication.

Learning new skills can be both very exciting and sometimes uncomfortable. Athletes will be taught to be patient and to develop a willingness to commit to a long term development model. Perfect practice, maintaining an open minded approach to new skills, and accurate repetition are fundamental learning principles adopted and delivered by the Club.

M-          Mistake Management - Seeing mistakes as a means to learn and grow.

Mistakes are a natural part of growth, bringing valuable experience. Every member, coach, and athlete will be encouraged to give their best effort, while accepting and embracing mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow. The Kamloops Minor Lacrosse Association is committed to creating a positive environment where individuals can work within the guidelines of the program and their respective teams to try new skills, tactics, and make decisions as appropriate to foster growth as individuals and teammates.


Our Executive & Directors

Casey Navrot President President@kamloopsrattlers.com
Meg Durvin Vice-President vp2@kamloopsrattlers.com
Angela St. Amour Secretary secretary@kamloopsrattlers.com
Heather Semeniuk Registrar registrar@kamloopsrattlers.com
Chad Pawlyshyn Treasurer treasurer@kamloopsrattlers.com
George Westwood Head Coach headcoach@kamloopsrattlers.com
Katarina Service Head Referee headreferee@kamloopsrattlers.com
Lisa Raglin Head Manager  
Matt Richmond Screening Officer screeningofficer@kamloopsrattlers.com
Krista Lussier Female Coordinator femaledirector@kamloopsrattlers.com
Jessica Arnouse Indigenous Liaison  
AJ Lockwood Past President pastpresident@kamloopsrattlers.com
Meg Durvin/George Westwood Directors of Player Development vp2@kamloopsrattlers.com
Andrew & Kristy Grant Schedulers scheduler@kamloopsrattlers.com
Keegan Kinney Web Administrator webadmin@kamloopsrattlers.com
  Advertising and Promotions Specialist  
  Communications Coordinator  
Glen Davidge Equipment Manager equipmentmanager@kamloopsrattlers.com
Heather Semeniuk Jersey Coordinator registrar@kamloopsrattlers.com
Heather Semeniuk KMLA Apparel Coordinator registrar@kamloopsrattlers.com
Lisa Raglin Tournament Coordinator tournamentcoordinator@kamloopsrattlers.com
 Chris Nakashimada Fundraising and Sponsorship Coordinator  
  Grant Application Coordinator  
Randi Pinkenburg Events and Activities Coordinator  events@kamloopsrattlers.com
Wayne Mayall Game Footage Media Coordinator  
Brogan Lloyd Director at Large  
PJ McArthur Director at Large  

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